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Grats is the home of the preaching and public speaking ministry of our founder, Ioannis Gratsinopoulos. 


Before Ioannis was called to start Grats to coach and consult pastors, search committees, churches, and businesses, Ioannis was called to preach.  You just need to determine from the Lord if Ioannis/Grats is being called to preach/speak at your service/event.  Click the yellow button at the bottom of this page to take the next step. 

Still need more?  Listen to what these leaders had to say:

"I’ll say at the beginning, Ioannis is my favorite preacher! Over the last 20 years, I’ve had Ioannis preach for us dozens of times, and I know that we will always encounter the unhindered ministry of Holy Spirit! 


We’ve asked him to speak on Sunday mornings, youth nights and at camp (best camp speaker I might add). In every setting Ioannis has a deep conviction to communicate the Word of God with reverence and passion. He’s also a ton of fun with miles of stories!"

Pastor Mike

"We were absolutely blessed to have recently had Rev. Ioannis Gratsinopoulos share in our Sunday service.  Pastor Ioannis brought a sincere and powerful understanding of God's Word as he shared the message from God's Word.  Easily interspersing his personal story, observations, and humor, he taught the passages of scripture to the application level.  As he was concluding the message he asked for any who had a need or a prayer desire to come forward, and our altars were filled!"


"I personally recommend pastors to bring Rev. Ioannis Gratsinopoulos to speak into the lives of your churches, as he has ours."

Pastor Mark

"Ioannis and his family came and blessed my congregation. His sensitivity to the Lord’s voice was refreshing. The Lord used Ioannis to exhort and correct attitudes within my congregation. At times, the message was not easy to hear, however, it was much needed. Ironically the Lord had been leading us in a sermon series on worship. The message the Lord spoke through Ioannis was pretty much on how being divided can block the Holy Spirit from falling in our services. This message opened many conversations in the following weeks and has opened a door for me to go deeper in what it means to be unified not just in word but in deed. I would say this word has been the start of some much needed growth!


Thank you Ioannis for your obedience to the voice of the Holy Spirit and thank you for following His guidance!"

Pastor Katie

"What a blessing it was having Ioannis minister. His message was right in line with what the Lord had been speaking to the church. So many were not only blessed but they were challenged and encouraged.  If you are looking for a man of God who is prayed up and ready to deliver what the Holy Spirit is saying, you will not be disappointed with Ioannis."

Pastor Randy 

"Ioannis is an exceptional Bible preacher and teacher who consistently delivers powerful and impactful messages that effectively convey God's word. His biblical teachings have been a source of inspiration and transformation for many members of our community, highlighting his gift as a Spirit-filled communicator.


During our recent Winter Retreat, Ioannis delivered a series of messages that left a profound impression on everyone in attendance. His ability to move and open people's hearts to receive God's love and grace was remarkable and evident in the testimonials shared by church members.


Furthermore, Ioannis' genuine care and concern for God's people were evident during the fellowship that followed the retreat. His messages, which were firmly rooted in the word of God, were delivered with clarity and impact, leaving a lasting impression on both me and our church.


In conclusion, I highly recommend Ioannis to anyone seeking a preacher or teacher who delivers transformative and Spirit-filled messages, positively impacting people for His glory."

Pastor Sam



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